Hello everyone. How are you?
I received excellent news today, and both my students passed the JLPT N2.
(Japanese-Language Proficiency Test)
That’s wonderful to hear.
They are going to take JLPT N1 in December, 2021.
All our Japanese instructors are native Japanese speakers and have the license to teach Japanese.
If you are interested in the language, or if you are planning to take the JLPT in December, 2021, please let us know.
You can have a try-out class in your time zone.

NS Global Agency 日本語クラス(Japanese language/Culture class)
TEL: +81-50-5309-3846
Mail: contact@nsglobalagency.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nsglobalagency/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nsglobalagency/
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