The age of becoming an adult in Japan is 20 years old. Once you become an adult, you can drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes.
And on the second Monday in January, each area in Japan will welcome the new adults with the coming of age ceremony.
(The coming of age ceremony = 成人式(せいじんしき, seijinshiki) )
It is usually held in public halls and they wear beautiful ”着物(きもの, kimono)” known as “振袖” (ふりそで, furisode) for their coming of age ceremony.
Furisode are the long sleeves and give the most spectacular impression out of all kimono types.
But unfortunately, for this year, some cities canceled the ceremony, because of COVID-19.
However, if you see people who wearing Kimono tomorrow, please say “おめでとう” (Congratulations) to them.
Hope everyone satay safe.

If you want to know more Japanese beautiful culture, please let us know.
NS Global Agency Japanese Language/Culture class
TEL: +81-50-5309-3846
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