I have been having online lessons, but after a long time, I had lessons at a cafe.
I love both lesson styles.
Students say
Watashi wa kafe de benkyo shimashita. “
Means “I studied at a café.”

The point is the particle “de”.
The particle “de” has many functions, but the first function is to express locations of actions.
Here are some examples.
私は図書館でべんきょうします。(Watashi wa toshokan de benkyou shimasu.)
I study at the library.
ケンは東京でラーメンを食べました。(Ken wa Tokyo de ramen o tabemashita.)
Ken ate ramen in Tokyo.
私はうちでコーヒーを飲みます。(Watashi wa uchi de coffee o nomimasu.)
I drink coffee at home.
Let’s have more lessons with our professional instructors.
If you want to have a trial lesson, please let us know, anytime.
In addition, please feel free to contact us.
NS Global Agency Japanese language/culture class
Phone: +81-50-5309-3846
E-mail: contact@nsglobalagency.com
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