A typhoon is coming.
I want to say “きをつけてください。” means take care or to be careful.
Anyway, I had three lessons this morning, and it was so fun.
One was a trial lesson and the student just started to study the Japanese language today. I know we have to study the writing system and grammar, but I focused on “speaking Japanese for fun”.
Do you eat Sushi? すしをたべますか?
Do you eat ramen? ラーメンをたべますか?
Do you eat cakes? ケーキをたべますか?
Do you drink coffee? コーヒーをのみますか?
Do you drink coke? コーラをのみますか?
Do you drink tea? おちゃをのみますか?
And the answer is
Yes, I eat. はい、たべます。
No, I don’t eat. いいえ、たべません。
Yes, I drink. はい、のみます。
No, I don’t drink. いいえ、のみません。
The student didn’t know the rule of the conjugation, but the repletion practice was good to work. The student understands the present affirmative and the present negative.
I will explain about the conjugation for the next lesson.
And yes, he officially became a student. Welcome!!
Many people feel it is difficult to study the Japanese language because we have Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. But the most important thing that trying a new language, it is ”TO HAVE FUN”.
Do you want to join us? YES, of course. Please feel free to contact us.

NS Global Agency Japanese Language/Culture class
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nsglobalagency/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nsglobalagency/
Phone number:050-5309-3846
Location: 鎌倉Kamakura、逗子Zushi、葉山Hayama、横須賀Yokosuka
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